Bake and Be Blessed (Second Edition)


We Benedictines look for spiritual meaning in our everyday activities, and Fr. Dominic has trained his monastic vision on the art of baking bread, finding within this simple act a wealth of spiritual insights. Starting with preparing the kitchen and proceeding all the way to leftover crusts and crumbs, Fr. Dom illuminates how we can come to a deeper understanding of our spiritual growth through meditation on the steps of bread baking. Learn how yeast is a metaphor for the gospel, how kneading is like prayer, and what to do when life “punches you down” and tests you in the fire of suffering. Fr. Dom shares his personal experiences as well those of his fellow monks in illustrating how we are all called to be bread that is broken and shared. In the finals chapters, you’ll discover what kind of bread you are meant to be. 116 pages, with a few photos, 5” x 8”, paperback.

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